Flower Creek GRoup Home
The Flower Creek Group Home offers compassionate staffing support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our staff are well trained and are quite knowledgeable in providing assistance to persons with significant physical limitations. Flower Creek Group Home promotes growth for those individuals living there. Bedrooms are decorated to the preference of each occupant and each home is warm, comfortable and inviting.Community Living Services
Home Life
A family atmosphere where individuals share in the daily tasks of running their home such as cleaning, laundry, meal preparation, shopping and banking.
For those individuals requiring an accessible form of transportation, each Group Home has a large van equipped with a lift. Each home also has an additional vehicle for transportation needs.
Medical Assistance
We provide limited nursing support as well as assistance in the acquisition of equipment necessary to assist with each person’s level of independence. (i.e. communication devices, wheel chairs, standers, etc…)
Employment Services
- Pre-employment Training
- Pre-Vocational Work Opportunities
Hours A Day
Days A Week
Days A Year
Transportation Services
All of Achievements’ Group Homes offer handicapped accessible transportation for residents, providing access to their jobs, shopping, banking and family members.
Flower Creek Group Home
Licensed for Six Individuals
513 West Balsam
Libby, MT 59923
Phone: (406) 293-8848 EXT. 30 or 33
Fax: (406) 293-7958
Flower Creek Group Home
513 West Balsam
Libby, MT 59923
(406) 293-8848 ext. 30 or 33